
About Blackburn BID

What is a BID?

There are over 330 Business Improvement Districts (BIDs) already operating across the UK, with the majority focusing on town or city centres. There are 3 elements to BIDs:

  • They are set up in a commercial area to support the businesses in that area (BUSINESS)
  • They deliver projects and services in addition to those already provided by public services (IMPROVEMENT)
  • They cover a defined geographical area, usually a town centre, city centre or industrial estate (DISTRICT)

BIDs are funded through a levy charged to businesses in the BID area, based on a small percentage of a business’ rateable value for Business Rates. The priorities and activities the BID will deliver are set out in a business plan, which is then voted-on in a legal ballot. If successful, BIDs run for a period of five years or ‘term’.

About Blackburn BID

The Blackburn Business Improvement District for Blackburn was initially approved on 11th November 2013. A majority of the Business ratepayers in the proposed BID area who voted, voted in favour of the proposal, both by aggregate rateable value and numbers voting.

The BID began on 1st January 2014 and ran for 5 years, before it was re-elected in November 2018, for another five year term starting 1st January 2019. In November 2023, Blackburn BID members overwhelming voted ‘YES’ for a further five year term of Blackburn BID.

All businesses and organisations within the defined area of the BID with a rateable value of £10,000 or more are required to pay the BID levy each year based on occupancy & the rateable value on the 1st January each year. The BID levy in Blackburn is currently 1.25% (second term) of rateable value and is payable in February each year. The BID levy is not apportioned for part calendar years of occupation.

For details of the levy arrangements for the third term click here.

Blackburn town centre BID has 3 priorities for 2019-2023, identified through consultations with businesses in 2018:

  • Marketing and promoting Blackburn as a vibrant town centre
  • Creating a safer, more secure Blackburn town centre
  • Making the town centre environment cleaner, greener and more sustainable

The Blackburn Town Centre BID has the potential to raise £1.5 million over each five year term to invest in local projects and services under these themes.

Click below to download a copy of our 2019 – 2023 Business Plan.

To see the impact Blackburn BID has had, take a look at our Annual Review brochures or watch our showreel here.

More about Blackburn BID

How much will it cost my business?

A levy of 1.25% is applied in Blackburn, which means that a small business with a rateable value of £15,000 would invest £187.50 per year, a medium sized business with a rateable value of £60,000 would invest £750 per year, and a large business with a rateable value of £300,000 would invest £3,750 a year.

How can Blackburn BID help my business?

Blackburn BID delivers events, projects and services over and above those already delivered by public services – such as Blackburn with Darwen Council – in the area.

Examples include:

  • Innovative, unique to Blackburn events which drive footfall to Blackburn town centre and its businesses, including the world exclusive Paw Patrol brick model trail, bespoke sand sculpture summer trail and the first of its kind escape room style puzzle trail The Escapade.
  • Promotional marketing campaigns to showcase the town centre and BID member businesses – including ‘Spotlight on…’ videos, advice shops, destination marketing video, and event promotion.
  • Targeted security patrols at peak periods to tackle ASB and crime in the town centre.
  • Funding for two town centre police officers, in partnership with BwD Council.
  • Security support for town centre events.
  • Environmental improvement projects, including Growing Places, adoption of Blackburn Train Station, and deep cleans of town centre streets.
  • Business support, training and advice through regular BID member updates, workshops and training sessions.

Blackburn BID Map

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latest on Blackburn BID
All the engagement as a result of the trails has been absolutely amazing. We have doubled our footfall over the week. We can see all the smiles on the children's faces and we're definitely going to get involved in anything organised by Blackburn BID in the future.
Utilita Energy Hub
We had a really good event and lots of footfall. I feel the events will create us some new regular visitors, as a few did stay to play. We also had some who said they didn't know what we did but will be back, which is amazing! All in all the event was brilliant and we will definitely be more happy to take part in this kind of event again.
Manager, Geek Retreat
The activities create something special for the town. They give families something to do together and we've seen lots of new faces coming to do together and we've seen lots of new faces coming in to the shop as a result. The BID should be proud of itself.
Manager at Rhode Island